If… |
Then… |
Contact |
Your animal is injured or sick or you see an injured animal | Call Haida Gwaii Animal Hospital | 1-250-557-4468 |
You witness Cruelty or Neglect | Report to BC SPCA cruelty line (calls are confidential) | 1-855-622-7722 (emergency call RCMP) |
You have lost or found a pet or have other animal concerns. | Call HG SPCA through the BC SPCA call centre | 1-855-622-7722 |
You see injured wildlife | Report to Conservation | 1-877-952-7277 |
You have concerns about menacing or loose dogs, or have noise concerns | Report to your local municipality or band office | Masset 250-626-3995 Old Massett 250-626-3337 Queen Charlotte 250-559-4765 Skidegate 250-559-4496 Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District 250-624-2002 |
You see stray cats or dogs who may be lost or homeless | Report to your local municipality or band office | Masset 250-626-3995 Old Massett 250-626-3337 Queen Charlotte 250-559-4765 Skidegate 250-559-4496 Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District 250-624-2002 |
You have public safety concerns involving animals | Call the RCMP | 250-626-3991 Masset/Port 250-559-4421 QC/Skidegate/SPT |
You are aware of poaching, human-wildlife conflicts, fisheries violations, polluting or other environmental issues. | Report to RAPP | 1-677-952-7277 or #7277(Telus) |
You need help with a stray or abandoned animal, with rehoming or adopting an animal | Contact Gwaii Animal Helpline View animals for adoption & fundraising events on Facebook. |
gwaiianimalhelpline@gmail.com Or messenger on FB Gwaii Animal Helpline |
You need help with finding transportation to the vet (after exhausting other options) or advice on financial assistance with pets | Contact Gwaii Animal Helpline | gwaiianimalhelpline@gmail.com Or messenger on FB Gwaii Animal Helpline |
You would like to be a volunteer, or to foster animals, to provide transportation or to help fundraise or donate locally | Contact Gwaii Animal Helpline Donations can be etransferred to the GAH email address or email for other options |
gwaiianimalhelpline@gmail.com Or messenger on FB Gwaii Animal Helpline |