Meet Odessa!
Odessa is a 9-month-old Staffordshire X Lab cross has been adopted!!!! Bouncy and bubbly, this girl loves every person and dog she meets. She is
Odessa is a 9-month-old Staffordshire X Lab cross has been adopted!!!! Bouncy and bubbly, this girl loves every person and dog she meets. She is
Moira is so loved. We both love her so much. Thank you for finding her for us. She is doing great.
Adopted! Cute as buttons, playful and curious as only kittens can be, Andy (black & white male) and Angel (black and white female) are 8
Adopted & Update from their new family! Honey and Binsy have settled in very well! Although they sometimes scurry when unsure of what you are
Thank you to Frosty’s new forever home! Frosty will grow into a large Great Pyrenees/Cane Corso male. He is four months old and already about
Happy to announce Sam has been adopted! Sam’s foster mom has been working hard to help Sam adjust to his new lifestyle. He’s lost some
Adopted! Chester has found his fur-ever home! A perfectly sweet older gentleman, Chester would fit into most families and is used to being around dogs.
Things are looking up for Chuck, a semi-feral stray from Port. After neutering and socialization time in his foster home, he’s been transferred to a
Dixon was adopted by a wonderful islander – we couldn’t be more pleased. Anyone recognize this fellow? He’s been surrendered as a stray from North
Sgapjuu is now this girls name and she has a new forever home for which we are forever grateful. Scup, Haida for bent, because she
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