The Board of Directors is responsible for all aspects of operation of the Society.
Directors must include residents of at least two separate Haida Gwaii communities but will optimally include residents from every community on Haida Gwaii, namely Gaw Tlagee (Old Massett), Masset/Taaw Tlldawee (Village of Masset/Tow Hill), Gamadiis (Village of Port Clements), Tll.aal (Tlell), HlGaagilda (Skidegate), Daajing Giids (Village of Queen Charlotte), and K’il Kun (Sandspit).
Board Members
Currently, our board members include:
Peter Grundmann
Chair (K’il Kun
Dorothy Garrett
(Daajing Giids (Village of Queen Charlotte))
(Daajing Giids (Village of Queen Charlotte))
Carey Newman
Director at Large
(HlGaagilda (Skidegate))
(HlGaagilda (Skidegate))
Anna Maria Husband
(Tll.aal (Tlell))
(Tll.aal (Tlell))
Anne Marie Mol
Director at Large
(Taaw Tlldawee (Village of Masset/Tow Hill))
(Taaw Tlldawee (Village of Masset/Tow Hill))
Sydney Field
Director at Large
Interested in becoming a board member?
If you are interested in becoming a board member, please email us at and a board member will get back to you as soon as possible.
Constitution & Bylaws
Learn more about the Gwaii Animal Helpline Society’s constitution and bylaws.